Local Property Market Insights

Real Estate Local

showcasing recent property sales direct to your digital farm area!

Custom market reports based on postcode

Real Estate Local compiles monthly market reports based on trends such as Median price movements, average days on market, as well as all sales in the area. These reports are delivered to home owners and buyers in your farm area. 

Appraisal and Listing opportunities

We deliver hyper-local ad campaigns specific to each digital marketplace postcode. Campaigns are monitored by a Messenger assistant that is able to respond instantly to custom appraisals.

Feature Agent

Partner with Real Estate Local to be the postcode feature real estate agent. You will receive all custom appraisal enquiries through our campaigns. 

Agent Showcase

At Real Estate Local we aim to keep local home owners informed with all the latest trends in their local market. Brand visibility in our campaigns means your Just Sold properties are getting viewed by potential clients in the area. 


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